Hello everyone. Today i will be talking about a serious topic. I have something called Attention Deficient Disorder or ADD for short. I have just realised today that I have ADD. How I stumbled upon it was when my marks in school dropped to a very bad scale where if I'm lucky enough, I might get a C. It would be a miracle if I got a B-
or just a regular B. Being a child that suffers from ADD is hard. My marks drop, I can't just focus on one thing, the only marks I can rely on are my exam marks which is weird. In the second sumester I did horribly with my class marks but got mostly 80% on almost all my exams! I think it's that maybe when I'm studying at home that I don't have the pressure that some teachers give me. Well, I'm going to go get a blood test on Monday so I will see how bad my ADD actually is so...BYE GUYS!!!! 

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